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How to get your data into Slack

Slack has been highly popular in professional circles since it was founded in 2009, so much so that the communication app has become a verb. In the past few years it’s become ubiquitous, especially in recent times with the various lockdowns and teams going remote. If Slack’s where important conversations happen, and where your team now hangs out, it also makes sense that it’s where you share your data.

The world is changing...

Hi all, It's almost four years since we launched Riot, and it's been a crazy journey - going from a relatively bare bones Matrix app through to today's all-singing, all-dancing encrypted-by-default collaboration tool used by folks ranging from Mozilla to the French Government and beyond. However, as some may know, we’ve had a few problems with the name Riot over the years.

Introducing the new Asana for Microsoft Teams

The way the world works is evolving and Asana, through its integration with Microsoft Teams, gives teams the tools they need to securely collaborate, communicate, and coordinate their work, from anywhere. That’s why we’re excited to deepen our collaboration with Microsoft, and announce the launch of our new and improved Asana for Microsoft Teams integration.