Mattermost v5.36 is now available
Mattermost v5.36 is generally available today. This release includes the following new features (see changelog for more details): Enterprise Edition All Editions
Mattermost v5.36 is generally available today. This release includes the following new features (see changelog for more details): Enterprise Edition All Editions
Skype for Business is pining for the fjords... On-premise communications might be your priority, but it clearly isn’t Microsoft’s. Skype for Business Server 2022 is the last throw of a loaded dice that always lands on Microsoft Teams. That’s Microsoft’s intended migration path for you. If you need to keep your communications on-premise, just about the only reason to migrate to Skype for Business Server 2022 is that it isn’t cloud-based Microsoft Teams.
In-app messages are amazing tools you can use to propel sales, onboard a new user, and interact with your users daily. It can diminish the volume of live attention requests your customer service team receives, and make it easier for the sales team to convert new users. In-app messaging is vital for your customer engagement strategy. If you know how to use it, you’ll reach the right user at the right time to address their queries. But, what is in-app messaging?
Since it first appeared in June 2014, Kubernetes has become something of a household name, at least in houses developers live in. The open source container orchestration platform makes challenges like load balancing, secret management, and portability a cinch and makes it easy to orchestrate large, highly scalable and distributed systems.
Did you know that email subjects, by default, only support 127 characters?! I didn’t, and I ran into a “fun” puzzle of a problem earlier this year when a client of ours noticed a problem with Courier-built emails in Microsoft Outlook. Small rendering issues and bugs like this can give the wrong impression to a recipient of an email. It can make the end user feel the product they are using is poorly planned or not tested.
These days, the team collaboration tools are enormously helping businesses to combat the coordination challenges that working teams face! The ever-increasing collaborative technology, tools, and systems allow group work to happen at ease, both at the office and remote locations. The changing times are making the future of work collaboration change according to it.
New features to help teams work better – with whomever and whenever