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Layered store and struct embedding in Go

One of the most important parts of the Mattermost source code is the one responsible for accessing the Mattermost database: the store. Every single database access is handled by the store, so we needed to find a way to extend its functionality while introducing as little complexity as possible. This is the reason behind the current layered approach using struct embedding.

11 Inexpensive Team Chat Software & App for Modern Office in 2020

If you’re still using emails to exchange work messages, who better than you can understand the problem of endless email chains, annoying CC’s, and accidental Reply All’s? While emails have a certain charm, they’re not the best tool for internal communication. If you use email for work chat, reviewing all the conversations about a single project requires sifting through multiple email chains.

11 Sophisticated Team Chat Apps & Software to end endless email Threads

If you’re still using emails to exchange work messages, who better than you can understand the problem of endless email chains, annoying CC’s, and accidental Reply All’s? While emails have a certain charm, they’re not the best tool for internal communication. If you use email for work chat, reviewing all the conversations about a single project requires sifting through multiple email chains.

From Exhausted Founder to Successful Entrepreneur

If you're feeling like work is becoming too much and you're constantly tired and stressed out, it could be much more than just a phase - you may be suffering from burnout. Unfortunately, burnout is becoming a common occurrence and it can take a toll on your physical and mental health. In this eBook, we talked to over 80 different founders, CEOs and entrepreneurs to find out what they do to prevent burnout.

The Ultimate Guide to Remote Team Productivity in 2019

Remote work is on the rise all over the world. Every year, more and more companies and employees decide to leave the office and work when and where they perform at their best. There are many benefits to remote work, but there are unique challenges as well. One of the most prominent is the issue of productivity in remote environments. Today, we'll show you how to improve your productivity.

How Modern Innovations Revolutionise Digital Workplace

The modern-day workplace has changed so much over the last ten years, and with every year that passes now, it seems as though these changes are becoming more and more drastic. We’re solidly beginning to say goodbye to the usual 9-5 routine for good, and penned office floors are being replaced with coworking spaces and the comfort of cafes and our own homes.