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How Long Does It Actually Take to Find a Document? - Dissecting the Many Stats Out There

Let’s track the timeline of responses over the last twenty years… IDC reports that workers who manage, create, or edit documents for a company were spending up to 2.5 hours per day searching for what they needed.

3 Remote Productivity Hacks We Wish We Knew from Day One

When Mattermost first started, it didn’t make sense for us to have an office; it was just myself and one other person. They were writing code the whole time, and I was on the phone the whole time, and being in the office we ended up interrupting each other. So eventually we started working from our homes and only got together when we needed to catch up.

A Tale of Two B2B Customer Support Departments, Chapter 1

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness…” So begins the classic novel, A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens. It refers to the premise of the story: A time of despair and suffering on one hand, and joy and hope on the other.

Enhanced filters in Teamwork CRM

One of Teamwork CRM’s guiding principles is to allow our customers map Teamwork CRM to how they work, rather than having our customers change the way they work to accommodate Teamwork CRM. For that reason, we put significant emphasis on giving users the power to customize Teamwork CRM, whether it is their pipelines, stages, rotting periods, activity types, or, of course, custom fields.

The art of social listening: Tracking and acting on what your customers say about you on social media

You may think that “Mayochup” is a great topping for fries, an abominable Frankenstein’s condiment, or just a hilarious example of ’90s satire predicting the future. Regardless of your personal preference, though, there’s no denying that it represents a huge social listening triumph for Kraft Heinz. The polarizing combination of ketchup and mayonnaise was originally sold only in the Middle East.

With CRM and Neo, Freshworks brings the iPhone moment in business software closer to reality

A CRM is a CRM is a CRM…right? Wrong. With due apologies to Gertrude Stein and William Shakespeare, a Customer Relationship Management software bought from just about any vendor wouldn’t “smell as sweet.” At our just-concluded Refresh 2020 virtual global conference, we took great pains and absolute delight to explain why not.

What are the Different Time Management Styles?

Curious about time management styles? It’s no secret that everyone is interested in managing their time better. And while there are general tips and techniques to help you manage your time better, like organizing your workplace, they aren’t enough to help you be more productive. You have to figure out the time management style and productivity technique that works best for you.