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Customer Service Week: 5 Ideas to Celebrate And Reward Service Desk Agents

When the calendar flips to October, it reveals a special occasion that deserves attention and appreciation: Customer Service Week. From October 2-6, 2023, this week is a tribute to the unsung heroes who are behind the service desk and go above and beyond to deliver exceptional customer experiences. This year's theme, "You Make the Magic Happen," adds a touch of enchantment to the celebration, emphasizing the pivotal role of service desk agents in creating memorable interactions.

The Efficacy Of Productivity Analytics For Hybrid Workforces

Globally, a staggering 16% of the workforce has embraced remote work freedom. The traditional office-based 9-to-5 model has given way to a new paradigm in a rapidly evolving work landscape. Whereas an even more significant 62% have opted for the hybrid work approach, a blend of in-office and remote work. With this seismic shift, the need to evaluate and maximize productivity within hybrid workforces has never been more critical.

Creating a Free-Harassment Workplace

It is every employee’s right to work in a harassment-free environment. Unfortunately, many people face some form of harassment in the workplace. This can be highly damaging to both the individual and the company as a whole. Creating a zero-harassment workplace is essential for all businesses and organizations. In this article, we will discuss how to create and maintain a zero-harassment workplace. We will also cover what employees can do if they experience harassment in the workplace. Stay tuned!

Amplify your purpose: A worksheet to identify your internal communications charter and pillars

Internal communications transcend the boundaries of emails and newsletters. Internal communicators become strategic allies when grounded with a solid foundation and guided principles — a communications charter.

ICMP Required for Traceroute and Network Diagnostics

As previously detailed on the Exoprise blog, the ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) is crucial for troubleshooting, monitoring, and optimizing network performance in today’s Internet-connected world. Despite historical security concerns, disabling ICMP is unnecessary and hampers network troubleshooting efforts. Modern firewalls can effectively manage the security risks associated with ICMP.

4 Steps to Create an Effective Productivity Planner with Examples

Tired of feeling disorganized, overwhelmed, and confused when it comes to your daily tasks and responsibilities? Then it’s time to streamline your workflow with a productivity planner. Whether you work for a remote company, in an in-person role, or for yourself, you need a solid system in place to stay on track. If you’re ready to beat overwhelm and get organized once and for all, stick around.

Why and how to measure employee satisfaction

We all know the famous saying: “What gets measured gets managed.” But resources are finite, so you can only monitor KPIs (Key Performance Indicator) for some things in your business. You need to choose what gets measured and what gets managed wisely. This article will argue that employee satisfaction is one of the most critical metrics. And that any business looking to grow and satisfy its customers should be measuring it as a priority.

Simple ways to track employee performance (+ best tools)

Is your team meeting deadlines, achieving business goals, and delivering the results you expect? With an employee performance tracking system, you can easily measure these outcomes and spot trends in your team’s activity. However, not all tracking systems are created equal. Some require much more manual oversight than others. Others employ check-ins too infrequently to support efficient change or allow for substantial improvements. So, which solution is right for your team?

Cybersecurity Insurance and Why It is Important?

Most business owners already know that cybersecurity is a serious issue to be dealt with. Cyber incidents have been mentioned in news headlines for quite some time, ranging from mild to devastating. Furthermore, cybercriminals are getting more ambitious, targeting small businesses and large corporations or even governmental institutions if they have the power.