Budgeting for user experience management solutions has been dynamic recently. When the pandemic hit, corporations freely opened the purse strings to ensure that employees had the tools to work outside the traditional office. The Return on Investment (ROI) for improving the overall Digital Employee Experience (DEX) didn't matter so much. With inflation now the main topic in executive meetings, the strings for DEM/DEX investments have been drawn tighter. Gartner has published a report titled "Market Guide for Digital Experience Monitoring" which states that "enterprises that invest in DEM solutions can expect a 30% reduction in Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR) and a 20% reduction in downtime."
TL;DR: Remote marketing teams have become more common, but unlike “traditional” teams that work in the same physical space, team leaders have the added responsibility of being more proactive and strategic about how they manage their teams. Understanding the five stages of team development enables you to get teams started, resolve conflicts more smoothly, share information effectively, achieve top results, and then review outcomes to keep finding ways to improve.
Do you know that only 49% of organizations are confident in maintaining clear and consistent succession strategies to develop next-generation leaders? We don't intend to blame them we understand that making succession plans is challenging. Every forward-looking owner desires to see their business continue to grow long after their active years. And they don't want their business to collapse because of the sudden exit of a crucial team member.
When Amir started in his role as Customer Service Director at a leading, global software company there was little structure or accountability within the Support team. They weren’t on the same page — and individual performance varied drastically. Being a remote team only amplified the problems, agents were often working in silos with no visibility of what others were doing.
There are various reasons why you may need to get in touch with a call center. Perhaps you’ve bought a faulty product and want a refund or need tech support when setting up the new conference call services you’ve recently signed up for. Think back to your last experience with a call center. Did you spend a long time on hold? Did you get connected to an agent who immediately helped with your query?
Last week, the open-core team chat platform Mattermost announced that“Mattermost Cloud Free will no longer be offered after July 26, 2023.” This likely came as an unpleasant surprise to users on that plan, as less than a month before, Mattermost’s pricing page featured the promise that the Cloud Free plan would be“free forever”.
What sets the top-performing organizations apart from the others? Is it their clever strategy, superior products, or better people? While these factors may provide an advantage for a period of time, the sustainability and growth of a competitive advantage requires a more fundamental foundation. This foundation is culture.