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Workstatus: The Game-Changer For Hybrid Work Culture

As the world emerges from the pandemic and organizations seek to navigate a new era of work, hybrid work has become a popular option. The hybrid working model offers benefits such as: It also poses several challenges, such as: This is where Workstatus comes in; Workstatus is an innovative platform that enables organizations to successfully transition to hybrid working models and reap its many benefits.

Understanding Work Styles: Maximizing Team Productivity

Have you ever wondered why some people thrive in a fast-paced, high-pressure work environment while others prefer a slower, more deliberate pace? Or why some people can work effectively on their own while others need to collaborate with others to achieve their goals? The answer lies in understanding the work style - the unique way of working is influenced by personality, habits, preferences, and experiences.

Top 6 Chatbots Utilization That Changing the Game for Businesses

Are you trying to find a solution to help you grow your company? Chatbots have revolutionized the way businesses operate and are quickly becoming invaluable assets. In this blog post, we’ll explore the top 5 chatbot utilization strategies that are changing the game for businesses. Learn how leveraging these digital tools can help propel your business forward!

On-Premise vs SaaS: Security Considerations for Enterprise Solutions

Even though the globe has been termed the "digital world," many businesses cannot distinguish between on-premise and SaaS. The security factors may be complex, but understanding the differences can make matching them to your company's needs more accessible. To take advantage of security advantages, businesses quickly switch from SaaS solutions to on-premise software or vice versa.

How to build an employee advocacy strategy: Best practices

Employee advocacy happens when employees talk or post positively about their company or its products and services—and their praise is just naturally promotional. A purposeful employee advocacy strategy helps facilitate the creation and distribution of this praise, combining it with targeted, quality content that amplifies company awareness and market perception.

How we're using Geckoboard to discover the right sales KPIs

TouchCare’s sales team recently expanded. It was at this point COO, Juliet Frerking knew it was time to bring in a system of KPIs to support the team’s growth and set them up for success. But how would she decide which KPIs to track, and which metrics to ignore?

Our top four CX trends for 2023

If the last year taught us anything, it’s that we must stay flexible and agile in response to market conditions. From the ongoing effects of the pandemic to the war in Ukraine and cost of living crisis, 2022 saw customer service businesses rocked by new obstacles and challenges that forced them to evolve their customer experience (CX) approach to navigate the changing landscape.

Top 7 employee productivity tracking software

To save time and improve efficiency across your team, you might have tried implementing to-do list apps or project management tools. As helpful as these platforms can be, many actually create problems like: With the right employee productivity tracker, you can monitor work activity, get personalized tips to improve efficiency, and help your team accomplish more in less time. Which platform is a good fit for your team?

Everything One Should Know About Remote Working Model ..!

When we talk about remote working, it is not a completely new concept that is being discussed now, but it was earlier limited to one or two people in the business at higher ranks of founder or CEO level who can do their work while traveling to different locations and working on their own schedule. Yes, the basic definition of remote working is working from home rather than in an office.