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Securing XML implementations across the web

In December 2020, we blogged about security issues in Go’s encoding/xml with critical impact on several Go-based SAML implementations. Coordinating the disclosure around those issues was no small feat; we spent months emailing the Go security team, reviewing code, testing and retesting exploits, coming up with workarounds, implementing a validation library, and finally reaching out to SAML library maintainers and 20 different companies downstream.

Element raises $30M as Matrix explodes!

The world has truly woken up to the age of decentralised communication. The US congress is releasing the ACCESS Act bill to enforce interoperability and data portability between platforms; the EU is pushing forwards with the Digital Markets Act for the same - and the German national healthcare system has published its plan to standardise 150,000 healthcare organisations on Matrix.

10 ways to master team communication in your organization

Efficient team communication is the prerequisite for collaboration, which in turn ensures high productivity and innovative thinking. In other words, team communication is at the core of a competitive business. However, the way teams communicate has profoundly changed. Long gone are the days of casual office talks and counting on everyone to be on-site every day 9 to 5.

THE NAKED TRUTH: 5 Ways Messaging Apps Are Exposing Your Conversations

Here’s the naked truth. 😮 We’re living in the surveillance economy. Privacy. A basic human right. One which is in constant attack in 2021. The communication platforms that were meant to bring us closer together, ended up prioritizing their own earnings over our rights to data privacy, security, and ownership. Here’s another fact. Most people don’t quite understand how their data is being exposed.

Migrating Thousands of Cloud Instances to New Kubernetes Custom Resources

Mattermost’s Kubernetes Operator spins up and manages Mattermost instances running on Kubernetes based on a ClusterInstallation Custom Resource (CR). Mattermost Operator 1.0 has evolved a lot since its release, along with the ClusterInstallation CR in the v1alpha version. As time went by — as with any software — the Operator gained more features, configuration options, functionalities, and technical debt.