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What Is Contact Center Compliance & How To Tackle It?

From customer details to call recordings, contact centers deal with tons of valuable data regularly. As a result, they must have the right systems to keep that data safe and secure to avoid a potential data breach. But how do you do that? Simple: through contact center compliance. Adhering to the established rules and regulations will empower contact centers to protect their customers’ private information.

Are dashboards really dead?

The dashboard is dead, long live the dashboard... Over the past year, we’ve noticed that some companies and commentators have been declaring the death of the dashboard. Understandably, that got our attention. Because here at Geckoboard, we quite like KPI dashboards. In our experience, they solve many problems and make people’s lives easier. So why do we, very occasionally, keep hearing rumours that the dashboard has ceased to be? Has the dashboard really died?

How a school integrates OneDesk's customer widget into their learning management system

For small teams, using managed software solutions is an easy way to provide functionality without investing in resources to build it. However, managed solutions can also be restrictive when customizations are needed. It then becomes a burden trying to find other tools that will seamlessly integrate. In particular, content management systems (CMS) are streamlined to help companies create, manage, and deliver content, handling much of the scaffolding for users.

Post COVID-19, a New Era of Business Digital Transformation is About to Begin

To say that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has represented a disruption for us all is, at this point, probably a bit of an understatement. Businesses of all types and their technology leaders were already trying to keep pace with the rapidly accelerating speed of digital business transformation. Then, the pandemic began in 2020 and upended just about everything, sending industries in wild new directions that few could have predicted.

APIs Are The Prefabrication Of Software

Whether it’s for building a company, monitoring the news, or even making a grocery list, software penetrates every part of the modern western lifestyle. The demand for software far exceeds what developers (and the tech industry as a whole) are capable of supplying from scratch. In order to keep pace with demand, our industry has been increasingly shifting towards a ‘prefabrication’ model of software development via the utilization of third party APIs.

How to thoroughly document your project requirements

Crossed wires and miscommunication are often responsible for projects going off course. It's tough to relay every single detail to others, whether it's your internal team, a client, or even just for yourself. That's why we itemize our project requirements and plan ahead, right? It always sounds easier when we type it out. But we know when you stick to your project plans, everyone involved is more informed and tasks get completed in time.

CRM buying guide

Sales technology has come a long way from the Rolodex and the post-it note. Sales teams can now connect with leads and clients in more ways than ever before, from emails to phone calls to video conferences. All that constant communication is made possible in part by Customer Relationship Management (CRM) technology. Sales reps use CRM systems to capture every interaction, keep contact info up to date, and manage accounts of all sizes. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Scrum Principles: The Ultimate (& Practical) Guide

The ultimate aim in any workplace is to work effectively and efficiently. Thousands of businesses across the globe accomplish this by following rigid project management methodologies and scrum principles to lead a productive workforce. This guide will look at the Scrum movement, its principles, how it differs from more traditional project management methodologies, and why adopting Scrum principles is vital in an organization.

How Hybrid Working Will Shape the Way We Work

Research shows that 41% of employers will adopt hybrid working within two years. And only 30% expect to have their workforce fully back in the office before 2023. Despite the reactionary stance of some companies, the way businesses operate has inevitably changed, and the hybrid model will only continue to gain traction. Even the UK Government recognizes the need to be flexible as it explores the idea of granting new employees the right to request flexible working.