With the rise of hybrid work, businesses face unique cybersecurity challenges. Discover how to prevent potential vulnerabilities and safeguard your hybrid workplace from cyber threats by implementing robust security solutions and using remote employee monitoring software.
Employee engagement analytics is the practice of measuring and evaluating the employee experience. With these actionable insights, you can assess employee well-being and uncover how satisfied your team actually is at work. Why is measuring employee engagement so crucial for your team? Positive engagement metrics often correlate with low employee turnover rates and high productivity rates—both of which can benefit your business.
Time is a scarce resource. No amount of money can buy an extra hour in the day or reclaim an hour of wasted time. Yet, too many of us today aren’t managing where or how we invest this resource responsibly, as we would our finances. In fact, many people regularly stare down impenetrable blocks of back-to-back meetings or double-booked time slots in their calendars.
Secure video conferencing is a crucial tool for organizations striving to communicate effectively without the fear of data breaches and malicious cybercrime attempts. The recent shift towards remote work has underscored the critical need for secure digital meetings. However, this reliance unveils several privacy challenges: According to research, 97% of IT professionals are concerned about video conferencing privacy and data protection, with 92% aware of existing security vulnerabilities.
Do you ever feel overwhelmed when you see a flashing cursor on a blank screen? Or you have so many ideas for a project that you don’t know where to begin? Or perhaps you simply can’t find the information needed to finish the task at hand? A mental block — the feeling of being stuck and unable to move forward with a task or project — is a common part of work that nearly everyone experiences.