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Organizing Support with an Email Ticketing System

Organizing IT support can be challenging, especially if you rely on email as your primary means of communication. It doesn’t matter how many tags you create or how detailed your guidelines are; the tool is not meant for that, and thus your order is unsustainable. Luckily, an email ticketing system can fix most problems.

5 strategies for managing customer expectations

A customer can expect everything from the ordinary to the seemingly impossible. But whether or not a customer is asking you to take them to the Moon or provide a simple reporting apparatus, your business needs to be able to meet their expectations in at least some manner, or risk the consequences.

Time Logs: What are they? And Why are They Important?

You’ve heard it said over and over again that time is money. The reason that’s such an often repeated cliche is that it’s actually true. The time you and your team spend on projects and various activities throughout the office correlates directly with your profits. And time logs are a perfect way to organize it. If you don’t know how much time something takes, you can’t accurately gauge how important the task is for your bottom line or how valuable your time is.

A Guide to Workload Management in OneDesk

Workload management involves getting a clear picture of who is available and when, in order to utilize your team’s full capacity and exceed goals. In OneDesk there are multiple ways to manage your team’s workload. You can determine how many tasks are assigned to someone, how much time they have available in a given period, the actual time or progress logged to work, and more.

How to make brainstorms inclusive of thought diversity

Brainstorms are a great way to tap into the collective brilliance of your team and explore their best ideas. But, making that happen requires that you plan for a focused, organized, and inclusive conversation. If you don’t? You’ll miss out on some of the best contributions and nuggets of wisdom. Not sure how to make sure your brainstorms are fruitful rather than frustrating?

Webinar recap: Agile amplified for hybrid teams

The pandemic has forever altered ways of working for many, and organizations continue to adapt to this new normal. For product leaders, this means continuing to develop innovations at lightning speed while also navigating the needs of hybrid teams. Better yet, leaders need a clear understanding of the current hybrid landscape — including the top weaknesses and gaps in existing processes, and best ways to turn talk into action. The good news? Miro is here to help.

3 ways healthcare companies are improving customer experience

Healthcare workers were deeply impacted by the global pandemic. While other businesses shuttered their doors, hospitals and insurance providers pushed their limits to care for patients. Kind words and personal attention go far with patients, especially when they’re already stressed. People turn to healthcare professionals when they’re worried and sick, so great customer service is absolutely critical. But what does that mean in practice?

Solving Business Challenges: How to Identify and Address Your Company's Problems

It was all fun and excitement when you first created your business, but at some point, things got a bit sidetracked, and now problems are piling up! Whether it’s a drop in sales, an issue with product quality, or something else entirely, business challenges are inevitable. All businesses have their own unique set of challenges that they must face. It’s how you identify and address those problems that determine your company’s success.

How to center accessibility in the workplace

The modern workplace is constantly evolving, and it’s your responsibility as a business leader to make sure no one gets left behind. When most jobs went remote at the beginning of the pandemic, leaders scrambled to transition work, benefits, and support to the home office. But now, as many knowledge workers face a hybrid future, are you giving equal consideration to all employees regardless of where and how they work?

The Top 7 Benefits of Taking Maternity and Paternity Leave for Remote Talent

Did you know that new fathers are legally entitled to take paternity leave in some countries? In Sweden, for example, fathers are given a minimum of three months of paid paternity leave. And in Canada, maternity and paternity leave is available to both mothers and fathers. While the United States is behind other countries regarding parental leave policies, there are still many benefits to taking maternity and paternity leave. We will discuss the benefits of maternity and paternity leave in this article.