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How PMs Should Build a Great Product Notification Experience

Your product’s notification experience can make or break how your users perceive your application. That’s why getting the notification experience right should be at the forefront of product managers’ minds. But what, exactly, is a great notification experience for a mobile or web app? Here at Courier, we often hear this question from product managers.

Brainstorming Session Ideas & Tools To Enhance Team Collaboration

Brainstorming is one aspect of team collaboration that can feel particularly daunting if you aren’t guided well on how to conduct it efficiently. Picture it for yourself. Imagine sitting at a conference table and having to come up with brainstorming session ideas from scratch without knowing the first thing about it. Every input or critique from an otherwise well-intentioned peer or a colleague can quickly start to feel like a scathing remark.

5 ways to enable secure patient messaging

The healthcare sector is undergoing a significant digital transformation. Patients increasingly gravitate toward healthcare providers who provide digital capabilities such as self-scheduling, in-app reminders, and, most importantly, secure patient messaging. Furthermore, digital healthcare innovations allow for intense medical and non-medical staff collaboration within and across organizations.

7 Essential Business Tools for Startups

Every multi-national company today was once a startup and to be a successful company, there are some business tools for startups. Due to the rising cost of everything, startups and SaaS companies want to minimize their costs to have enough capital to run their business further. One of the most difficult part or aspects of starting a business is finding time to devote to it. Several people have found success without dedicating a substantial amount of time to their businesses.

10 Helpful Tips to Grow a Productive Workflow for Your Team

Productivity is vital in any workplace - it drives a company or organization towards success. A productive workflow can be achieved by following simple tips that help create an efficient working environment and team. Great things can happen when everyone is on the same page and working together efficiently. But what happens when your team's workflow starts to drag? Here are ten tips to help you get your team back on track and boost productivity.

The Sub-prime Crisis of Notifications

Or, how we’re destroying users’ trust, and how to get it back. Check out the first post in this series as well: Building a Great UX Outside of Your App. There is a direct connection between all the unnecessary notifications you get on your phone and the sub-prime financial crisis of 2008. The connection is human behavior in a large and anonymous marketplace where bad behavior is rarely punished.

Effective Communication Strategy For A Small Business: A Step-By-Step Guide

To be successful in business, it's important to have a great communication strategy. But what does that give small business projects? This blog post will discuss the best ways to communicate with your customers in 2022. We'll also present practical tips on creating a communication strategy that works for your business. Use these tips to build better relationships with your customers and increase profits!

An unrecognisable improvement: Element's new design is here!

Coming soon to a mobile device near you, the redesigned layout brings big changes to your Element app. With a focus on improving our users' workflows, we’ve ensured the app is cleaner, easier to browse, and faster to navigate, while keeping all the Element goodness! Over the last few weeks and months our mobile teams have been working hard researching, designing and building a new home page for both iOS and Android Element apps.