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New Datadog integration for Courier notification logs and metrics

The ability to unify all notification metrics and logs across channels and providers into an easy-to-use dashboard is a core advantage of Courier’s notification infrastructure. However, with product notifications so critical to the entire application experience, it’s important to connect that data back to central cloud observability platforms that look across the entire stack.

8 best patient chat apps for easy and secure communication

Technological advancement has revolutionized patient chat in recent years. Healthcare is not only a matter of proper medical advice these days. Patients want better service from their healthcare providers and solid medical guidance. This is why, presently, the industry is prioritizing fast, secure, and reliable digital healthcare communication to provide customer satisfaction to patients who want instant updates via patient messaging.

What is Webex: A Comprehensive Comparison of Webex and Chanty

We all know that with the growing number of remote jobs, there is an ever-increasing market demand for reliable and efficient meeting and conference tools. If you need help deciding between Chanty and Webex, we’ve got you covered! In this blog post, we’ll highlight the key features of these two platforms to assist you in determining which option will best meet your team’s collaboration needs.

Sneak peek I Audit conversations with Expanded Transcript Exports

This enhancement is aimed at enabling agents and admins to convert chat history into downloadable PDFs. As simple as it sounds. The main purpose is to cover security-centered organizations' needs as they deal with sensitive information and transactions, so they must have the ability to make conversations auditable.

Mattermost Pro Tips: How to customize Mattermost notifications for optimal productivity

You’ve got a fresh cup of coffee on your desk, and you’re ready to dig into some focused work time. But before you can kick things off, you get a ping on your desktop. Then that little red number on your Mattermost desktop app crawls up and up and up. A question to answer on one thread, responses to read on another, a video to watch somewhere else… Before you know it, your coffee is cold, and you haven’t even started on the project you intended to work on.

Streamline your workflow with CourierJS: Our new client-side SDK

We are thrilled to announce the release of our first client-side SDK for Courier, written for JavaScript. This new addition expands our existing SDK offerings, which include Java, Python, Node, Go, Ruby, and PHP, and makes it even easier for developers to integrate Courier into their projects.

Unlock Your Device with Your Face: 7 Best Facial Recognition Apps for Android and iOS [2023]

Facial Recognition Apps are slowly becoming the prevalent and essential biometric attendance method for corporate to small companies, thanks to their accuracy and highly regulated verification methods. Do you know that, four days after a new facial recognition system was tested, the Indian Police in New Delhi was able to locate up to 3,000 missing children? This modern facial recognition technology can only go so far regarding prowess.

What is Out of Band communications?

Out of Band communications is for classified discussion, business continuity and incident response. It should be used within the most security-conscious parts of the organization; from senior executive discussion to cybersecurity teams. The phrase refers to communicating outside of the usual communication system, such as a reserved channel or network.