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Simplifying notifications with the Courier iOS SDK

Push notifications are a valuable tool for keeping users informed and increasing their engagement with your app. You can use push notifications to alert users about promotions, new content, or any other important updates. While push notifications are a powerful tool, setting up push notifications in iOS can be a daunting task that requires a significant amount of effort and time. Fortunately, the Courier iOS Mobile Notifications Software Development Kit (SDK) simplifies this process.

7 Tips and Techniques to Boost Intrapersonal Communication

Unlike interpersonal communication, which is a conversation between two and more people; intrapersonal communication is communication with yourself, reflecting on your thoughts, and getting to know yourself better. It’s super essential for personal growth and development and even has a big impact on your mental health and overall well-being.

Upgrade your team communication: 10 best Cisco Jabber alternatives

When it comes to team collaboration, Cisco Jabber is a robust tool. It enables users to communicate with one another through multiple channels, including phone, video, VoIP, and instant messaging. These features make it a preferred option for businesses. But, in November 2022, Cisco announced its End-of-Life (EOL) and End-of-Support(EOS). It means Cisco will discontinue the development, sale, and support of Jabber. There will be no more software updates, security patches, and technical support.

Automate Slack and MS Teams Notifications using Node.js

There are ways to integrate cross-channel notifications via individual APIs, but we’re here to provide you with a quick guide to send across your preferred channels in one single API call. This guide will focus on sending and automating messages via Slack, MS Teams, and any other channel of your choice from your Node.js applications. You can also automate Slack and Microsoft Teams notifications using Python. This blog is a comprehensive setup guide.

What is multilevel security, and why does it matter?

In today’s world, organizations must be conscious about protecting data and safeguarding the exchange of information. On top of that, digital transformation has become ubiquitous, covering everything from the organization's top-secret business leads to unclassified day-to-day operational information. With this level of digitization, the risk of cyberattacks also comes to the fore. A multilevel security (MLS) approach is crucial in privacy-conscious organizations prioritizing data security.

Building Android Push Notifications with Firebase and Courier's SDK

Push notifications have become an essential part of modern mobile apps, allowing you to keep your users engaged and informed. However, implementing push for different platforms can be a complex and time-consuming task, requiring developers to set up and handle token management, testing, and other logistical details.

Breakdown in Communication: What is It and How to Deal With It

Do you know some companies don’t realize or admit they are suffering from communication breakdowns, which causes adverse outcomes like arguments between the teams leading to blame games, delays in deliveries, employees' poor performance affecting their morale, the noxious surge of customer complaints, and so on? The grievous problem is about the companies that don’t realize the breakdown in communication.