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Top 11 Workload Management Tools You Need to Know

Workload Management Tools are software that helps you plan, monitor, and optimize your work processes. They can be used to increase efficiency and productivity in any organization. There are various workload management tools available on the market, each with its unique features and benefits. Knowing which tool is right for your organization can be a challenge.

Why Task Management is a Crucial Part of Every Service Desk

Organizations spend a lot of resources to make their employees productive. Revenue in the productivity software segment is expected to reach US$72.88 bn in 2022, according to Statista. Productive employees help organizations grow and improve customer satisfaction. For a service desk, task management comes in. Intelligent task management can improve the service desk experience significantly for both users and service desk agents. Let’s explore how.

How to improve teamwork in the workplace

Any business must have great teamwork and harmony. So, how to improve teamwork in the workplace for your business? This includes the sales team, customer support, finance department, and other supporting departments. When everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals, the company will be more successful. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to improve teamwork in the workplace and create good collaboration in your business. Let’s dive in!

The most commonly missed signs that it's time to say goodbye to a client

Nobody likes a breakup but just like in our personal lives, professional breakups with clients are also inevitable at times. Sometimes it's just not meant to be and it's better for both parties to go their separate ways! There are plenty of red flags that can pop up letting you know that it's time to say goodbye to your client. Whether that's down to them being a bad fit for your agency or being disrespectful towards you or your team, sometimes you just know it's time to let go.

Do User Experience Surveys Work? Demystifying User Research

Let me tell you a story. Some years ago, I was working as a help desk agent at a medical device company. One of the senior VPs of Sales – let’s call him John – was pushing me past the limits of what I could do. Getting his personal iPhone to work with corporate email, support personal laptops, aircards, hotspots, and more. It got so bad that I found myself in my manager’s office with John, and he ended up apologizing.

Internal Communications and Digital Transformation

What does a movie about baseball have to do with digital transformation strategy? If you’ve ever seen the film, Money Ball, it’s the story of Billy Beane, the general manager of the Oakland A‘s baseball team, who’s charged with a Herculean task—building a winning baseball team on a shoestring budget. But since he’s pretty good at math, he pioneers the field of sabermetrics—the empirical analysis of baseball stats to find players with untapped potential.

Employee Tracking Software for all Industries

In this blog we are going to list few categories of companies which may be ideal contenders to use an employee monitoring software alongwith the valid reasons. Though such softwares prove helpful for any organization where employees work on desktops or laptops but the percentage of users and the tangible need is the highest in the below types of companies.

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10 Ways To Increase Operational Excellence Across Your Workforce

Achieving operational excellence will ensure your business is firing on all cylinders. This is the point at which everything just falls into place and works seamlessly. If you do not yet have a clear path toward operational excellence, this guide will offer a few practical ways for you to unleash the potential of your organization. But first, let's break down operational excellence.

Microsoft Teams Down, July 20th, 2022

Microsoft’s unified communication and collaboration tool Teams suffered an hours-long outage on July 20, 2022 — affecting thousands of users globally. Exoprise sensors successfully detected Teams outage at least 30 mins before Microsoft officially confirmed the outage on its MSFT365status Twitter account. Below is what users saw when trying to access the Teams app or leverage any of its features.

How Rewards & Recognition Can Improve Employee Engagement

As far back as 776 B.C., Olympic athletes competed in ancient Greece for fame, honor, and glory. City-states used the Games to assert influence and importance. Do you know what the only official reward for winning in the ancient Olympics was? A crown of olive leaves. Not as valuable of an award as you might think for one of the biggest events in the ancient world. Not that we think you should reward your Employee of the Month with an olive wreath.