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Professional services: Types, challenges, and how to manage projects successfully

Professional service projects are different animals than “normal” projects. While both offer challenges, professional service firms must meet their internal goals AND the client’s expectations. More companies and more people involved usually equates to greater risk. This article is your ultimate guide for understanding professional services, why companies use them, and the challenges professional service firms have in common.

Top 8 Brainstorming Tools to Get Creative Thoughts Flowing

Brainstorming is a creative problem-solving technique that involves generating ideas and solutions through a group discussion. It’s usually a messy meeting where notes are flying around, people are speaking over each other, and in the end, solutions are lost in the chaos. Brainstorming, however, is an essential tool for businesses, teams, and individuals to come up with fresh ideas, solve problems, and improve processes. But how can businesses effectively brainstorm?

4 Ways DEM Improves the Digital Employee Experience

If you have been following the news over the last few months, you will agree that the buzzwords for this year are – inflation and recession. Yet, even in these turbulent times, delivering an excellent digital employee experience (DEX) remains an essential aspect of IT. As organizations continue to add various collaboration, communication, and end-user technologies to the mix, new problems will surface.

7 Windows Productivity Tips you Can't Live Without

For most working professionals, improving productivity means decluttering their diskspace or downloading a slew of Chrome extensions. However, for those who work in the IT field, productivity is synonymous with maximizing every tool available to perfectly juggle between tasks. Since most IT professionals prefer Windows OS, we’re about to explore some handy Windows productivity tips to help you reduce distractions and optimize your workflow.

Now Available:'s Product Portfolio Management Solution

While Product Managers are responsible for the strategy and progress of individual products or product lines, product executives have a different responsibility. They need to set the broad strategic direction for the entire organization, deciding which key initiatives are most likely to maximize performance and achieve strategic objectives.

Using Scrum Values Can Help Your Company Collaborate Better - Here's How

When it comes to the business world, things can change in an instant. What was once successful and profitable can quickly become obsolete. To stay ahead of the competition and maintain a strong foothold in the market, businesses must be willing to adapt and evolve with the times. Scrum can be useful in this situation. Scrum values are essential for businesses looking to succeed in today’s market. When a business neglects them, they risk becoming irrelevant and losing out to the competition.

Professional services project management: Best practices and keys for success

“Operations keeps the lights on, strategy provides a light at the end of the tunnel, but project management is the train engine that moves the organization forward.” ~ Joy Gumz Pulling off client projects successfully is no small feat. Project managers and team members hyper focus on delivering high-quality work all day, every day; planning workflows and proactively addressing obstacles as they arise.

In-app messaging: 15 examples to engage users

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, engaging with users is more important than ever. As a business, having a direct line of communication with your customers can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. According to a study, 85% of businesses will provide direct communication channels like live chat to their customers by 2022. That's where in-app messaging comes in, offering a convenient and effective way to communicate with users at their fingertips.