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How to Monitor Employees without Being Overly Intrusive and Still Protect Their Privacy

In today’s workplace, many businesses operate in a hybrid environment, with employees working from offices and remote locations, or anywhere they choose. This setup benefits employers and employees; employers can save on office space, and employee productivity remains high. However, maintaining and managing employee productivity is the employer’s responsibility, so how do you monitor employees without being overly intrusive?

6 essential employee experience metrics & kpis to track

In the year 1800, in a revolutionary move away from corporal punishment in the workplace, Robert Owen introduced the ‘Silent Monitor,’ a wooden block with a different color on each of its four sides that could indicate employee behavior on a scale from bad to excellent. The field of performance management continues to evolve by degrees since, far from the miserable work conditions of the industrial revolution, but not yet attaining an enlightened age of business.

What Is Professional Services Automation?

Professional services automation can play a pivotal role in the delivery of services. It is a technology platform that enables organizations to streamline and automate all areas of their professional services operations, including project management, customer support, billing and invoicing, resource management, and reporting.

Why P&C insurance companies need to invest in claims customer service now

When someone makes an insurance claim, they’re under a lot of stress. Maybe their son just totalled the car or their house caught fire. It’s already a very bad day. Filing a claim might be the last thing on their mind when the unexpected happens. And if the claims process isn’t simple, it can add frustration to an already stressful time. Enduring that kind of bad experience can mean the end of a customer relationship.

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Microsoft SCOM for Office 365 Monitoring? There Is a Better Alternative.

Gartner predicts that spending on public cloud services will rise to 21% in 2023. Most organizations today support fully remote operations and use SaaS services from the cloud. But is your Microsoft Systems Center Operations Manager (SCOM) tool suitable for monitoring mission-critical services like Microsoft 365? Don't get us wrong - SCOM is a comprehensive monitoring tool for servers, infrastructure, and apps such as Exchange and SQL. However, the recently released Microsoft SCOM Management Pack for monitoring Microsoft 365 lacks clout.

What is the Customer Experience?

B2B Customer Service can make or break a company; at the center of that service lies the customer experience (CX). But while 87% of companies believe they provide a strong customer experience, only 11% of their customer base agrees. For B2B companies, that disparity can be particularly damaging. Business customers tend to have a higher standard when it comes to service. They’re typically spending more and coming to the table with more clout than the average consumer.